Monday, December 10, 2012

Peyton Manning To Call Audibles For Five Hours In GPO Planned Filibuster

Washington D.C.

It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's just Peyton Manning flapping his arms like an idiot calling audibles. Every football fans has had to endure it. That huge fore-headed cry baby calling thirteen different audibles only to hand it off up the middle for no gain.

The GOP has taken notice of this incredible annoyance. With a planned filibuster to block Obama's legislation, the GOP is looking for anything that would drive there blue-toned enemies crazy. What could be better than having Manning call audibles for five hours? "I honestly can not think of a better way to drive Democrats completely insane," says Speaker Of The House, John Boehner.

In a White House press conference, President Obama had just this one lined zinger, "The GOP's efforts will probably end up like one of Peyton's actual audibles. Very long winded, no follow through and no real change to the situation. BAZINGA!"

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Miami Sprinkler Incident Being Investigated

On Sunday during the Miami Dolphins - Seattle Seahawks game, the sprinkler system turned on midgame. Yes, that was the most exciting part of the entire game. This incident is being investigated by none other than NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell.

"Fowl play is expected," commented Roger Goodell, "I've spent the majority of my day investigating the local Buffalo Wild Wings." BWW has been caught paying off the sprinkler jockey before (

Goodell told reports that nothing was found at BWW but he did say that his favorite sauce was the honey BBQ and it was quote, "Yummy."